1) The Yarmouth Police Department is funded by tax dollars, why does it need charitable contributions?
The police department budget is funded by the available taxpayer dollars for public safety. Working as independent, non-profit organization, the Foundation leverages private dollars to support department innovations and programs which are unfunded in the existing budget process, such as the Neighborhood Crime Watch Program, and the purchase of unbudgeted state-of-the-art equipment. The Foundation will not fund those needs and activities which should be funded through the operation and maintenance of the Town.
2) The Yarmouth Police Department already has an affiliated non-profit, the Yarmouth Police Relief Association; why does it need the Yarmouth Police Foundation?
The Yarmouth Police Relief Association is a employee oriented non-profit organization that provides relief to its members and their families in time of need. Additionally, the Yarmouth Police Relief Association performs other services in the community as follows: Scholarship awards, supports and/or donates to worthy organizations or events that invoke positive community spirit, sponsors other Yarmouth Police Relief Association community events.
The Yarmouth Police Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization, operating in accord with the Yarmouth Police Chief, that supports program initiatives and projects that are strategically focused to compliment the Yarmouth Police, to ensure the highest level of police service to the town of Yarmouth.
Donations to the Yarmouth Police Foundation, Inc. do not replace the departments operating budget. They will be used primarily to purchase and provide specialized equipment.
3) How is the Yarmouth Police Foundation Governed?
The Yarmouth Police Foundation is a corporation governed by a Board of Directors. All Board members are unpaid volunteers who carry-out the Foundation’s activities within the scope of the Foundation’s Mission Statement. The Board’s activities are conducted in accordance with State and Federal regulations applicable to a section 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization.
4) What is the relationship between the Foundation and the Yarmouth Police Department and how do they interact?
The Foundation considers requests from the Yarmouth Police Department by fundraising to support innovative and new programs that are not funded by the Town budget. Current programs receiving financial support from the Yarmouth Police Foundation, Inc. include the Neighborhood Crime Watch program, National Night Out, The “Wanderer” program.
5) Who staffs the Yarmouth Police Foundation and the projects?
The members of the Yarmouth Police Foundation, Inc Board of Director’s is responsible for the all management and supervisory activities. The Foundation’s Board of Directors are residents of Yarmouth and surrounding towns. All Officers and Board of Directors volunteer their time to this important program.
6) I have a great idea for a Police project, will the Foundation fund it?
The Yarmouth Police Foundation is continuously looking for new ideas that are compatible with the Foundation’s Mission Statement. New projects ideas are discussed and evaluated by the Foundation’s Board of Directors during regularly scheduled Foundation meetings. Potential funding is a major element in considering any project.
The Foundation strongly encourages you to submit project ideas to:
Yarmouth Police Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 701
Yarmouth Port, MA 02675
7) Are there ways besides contributions that I can support the Yarmouth Police Foundation, Inc.
Gifts, also referred to as in-kind contributions, is another form of giving. Examples of in-kind contributions are office equipment, building materials, or administrative support, etc.